Friday, February 06, 2004

The Latest News On Ed

There are many conflicting stories going around about whether or not tonight is the season or series finale. The best I can determine is this: NBC doesn't plan on renewing the show for a fifth season and has already let the cast know that they are free to pursue other endeavors. Tom Cavanagh, however, on ESPN radio this morning said the following ""Like every year we're on the bubble, we (the actors) have not yet been released of our contracts." I think NBC is holding it's option open for renewal in case it needs something to fill in a slot for it's fall lineup.

While all that is going on, my fellow Edheads at are raising money to place this ad in Variety-- a magazine that I think is read by most network execs.

In the meantime, I'm treating this like the end. If it's not, I'll be overjoyed.

Here are some of my favorite quotes from the show:

From Ed--
"If you're not born with broad shoulders and a strong jaw, there's only one way to get the girl... you make an complete ass of yourself."
"Without the world of possibility, what do we have left?"
"If it's meant to be, you gotta do everything in your power not to let it slip away."
"That, my friend, was proof that you don't know everything about human nature."

From Carol--
"We are going to take turns bouncing the ball... and whoever bounces the ball the highest wins a Fruit Roll-up." - to girls` JV basketball team
"I'm not afraid of you being my boyfriend. I'm afraid of you being my ex-boyfriend." - explaining her actions to Ed
"Once you do one of Ed's stupid things, you're officially one of the gang."
The easy thing isn't always the right thing."

From Mike:
"These crazy Belgian bastards know how to live!"
"A disaster like the school burned down or a disaster like you inhaled chalk dust?" - after Nancy dubs this school day`s happenings a disaster
"Look at the 90 percent of the milk I got right." - when Nancy gets upset that he brings home low fat instead of skim
"At the end of an era, all the great ones form Laverne and Shirley to Mary Tyler Moore they all do the slow turn, nod and hit the lights. - Mike drops by Stuckeybowl to check on Ed as he closes for the `last` time

From Shirley:

"I was ordering Combos yesterday. The pretzels with the cheese in them. And I decided instead to order the pretzels with the peanut butter in them. For a change. But I realized, that change was not enough. I need more." - when approaching Ed for a job as a legal assistant

"Bendy straws make drinking more pleasurable. I'm phasing out the straights."
- response to Ed`s not knowing Stuckeybowl had bendy straws

"I could eat stew seven nights a week. I don't, but I could."

"I don't want you to resent me as a log jam to your career."
- letting Frankie know exactly where she stands in the practice

"Just keep that in mind when Miss Hector makes an inevitable play for my job."
- reminding Ed of her strong points

"I don't care about credit, I just want Eli to be happy."
- upon helping Eli find a love match [7

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