Tuesday, November 14, 2006


Yesterday was one of the most fun days of my recent memory. Hanging out with Ben, Jen, and Jordan was so wonderful. I was thinking during one of the (rare) quiet moments on the way back about a saying I once heard that a person is lucky if they make it through life with one or two really close friends. If that is the case then I think I have exceeded my limit by a massive amount.

You can see a recording of our time speaking at ETBU chapel HERE. When you get there find "Chapel Services" at the top and click on either Broadband or Dial-Up. Until tomorrow the Monday service should pop up. After tomorrow, just scroll down.

Another thing you need to check out, if you know at all who John Piper is, is this link that Jason sent me. I laughed a lot.

That's all for now.


myleswerntz said...

that is a wonderful mp3. i say that as a theology student.


Jeanne Damoff said...

Craig, I didn't know you were in Marshall till I read the article in today's paper. Sounds like the chapel service was meaningful to a lot of people. If I'd known about it, I would have come and added my own thoughtful remarks, like, "Craig Nash is a hottie!" ;)

I'm big on comforting others with the comfort we've received, probably because God says it's a good idea. Thanks to you and your friends for sharing your stories with others.

jenA said...

i can't get it to open on my computer, dammit.