Thursday, March 23, 2006

March is flying by like a jet airplane and I'm quite happy about that. April, barring any unforeseen circumstances, is shaping up to be the anti-November. Of course I make that claim with caution since I've found out over the past few months that unforseen circumstances don't pay attention to whether or not they are barred. They walk in on you like my crazy Uncle Jackie, eat your food, make you laugh, but typically ruin your plans for the day.

But assuming circumstances heed their being barred, I'm excited about April for the following reasons:

-- I am taking April 1,2,3,4, and 5 off from work. Aside from the days surrounding Kyle's funeral, I have had no significant time off since the beginning of August, when Jason and I made our road trip around Texas.

-- The first day or so of that time I'll spend between DFW visiting friends such as Fortenberry, Brent, Marvin, and hopefully El Mol, and Marshall where hopefully I can spend some time with the infamous Robert Butler.

-- After that I'll head to the former hometown of Ms. Ellen Degeneres, Atlanta, TX, where I will meet up with Jason and Christy, who are in from France.

-- For most of the month of April my good friend Tim Buechsel and his wife Isabell, who are now living in Germany, will be here in Waco.

-- At the end of the month the Smiths (Luke's parents) will be here.

-- You can never guess when beautiful days will occur in Central Texas, but if you are a gambling man, the days of April are high odds.

So unforeseen circumstances, unless you are of the good variety, I bar you from next month.

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