Sunday, March 18, 2007

Green Like Polka...

Donald Miller spoke at church today. The jury is still out.

But here's a funny story. Somewhere in the myriad bullet points he was throwing our way in narrative form (one of which seemed to be that bullet points suck,) was a very articulate and moving one concerning the importance of fathering children through life, and it's metaphorical significance to how we slowly progress in faith. About that time (some seven hours into the sermon) a lady came into the church with her baby, and here's the scenario that went through my mind...

The lady keeps walking until she gets to the stage, holds the child up to Miller and yells "Remember that night two years ago in Topeka?! Well THIS is what happened, so how do you feel about fathering now?!"

I'm twisted, I know. You can't tell me, though, that it wouldn't have been the most awesome thing to ever have occurred within these city limits.


amy said...

myriad. nice.

Robyn said...

You gave Shane and I our laugh for today!

Anonymous said...

Hilarious. Donald Miller totally didn't look like what I thought he would look like when I saw him at a book reading at Powell's in Portland.

Um, you should read what happened to ME in and after church yesterday. It was a WEIRD day.

Anonymous said...

That's funny... so what did you think about the whole myriad of narrative bullets?