Thursday, January 20, 2005


-- Jason made the comment tonight as he was politely humoring me by sitting through three complete episodes of "Ed" that when the show started four and a half years ago was when I started to become nostalgic about home and you know what? He's right. It really did shape my worldview. Generally we look back on things in our past that influenced the way we think with disdain. I guess time tends to tarnish the luster of those special things. But time has not tarnished the luster of a guy named "Ed" who came home, bought a bowling alley to impress the girl, and in the process rediscovered the simple joys of life.

-- I think my diet has too much sodium in it. I've been feeling quite puffy lately.

-- If you weren't in Waco today you should have been. The weather is beautiful. It encouraged me to run outside for the first time in over a month. Four miles and it felt good.

-- Get this: I had no clue today was inauguration (sp?) day until I went home for lunch. I actually thought it was this Saturday and when I turned on the television to see the news playing inaugural stuff I actually told myself (in my head) "Wow, they sure are starting all the pomp and circumstance a little early. Two days early, to be exact." And then they showed a clip of the swearing in ceremony and I considered calling the White House to let them know they are early... the inauguration is Saturday. Can you believe this? I set TIVO to record nights of both the party conventions but let the inauguration slip my mind.

-- Starting reading a book "Seven Types of Ambiguity" because I thought the title was awesome. I got seven chapters into it (short chapters) and enjoyed it but haven't read it again in two days. I need some uninterrupted time to read.

-- I need a vacation.

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