Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Stop the Presses...

Today I ran an errand over at the Waco Tribune Herald offices. I met a reporter in the hallway of the news room to give her a book for a story about an event going on at the store next week. When we finished chatting I got to go inside to say hello to one of my former coworkers, and present Trib writer, Emily. I ended up lingering for a while and visiting with Chad, a friend from UBC who is a sportswriter, and Wendy, who I know from the infamous Waco's Hottest Bachelor story.

It felt like standing in the middle of a more sedate Daily Planet, and it seemed to be my place. I have loved ready newspapers since I was a kid. There's something about local papers that make you feel you're in the middle of a history book, and the characters are those who you could possibly rub shoulders with on any given day. Stories develop and you're in on the scoop.

Who knows, maybe a career change is in order...


jenA said...

um, you better talk to me about that first.

Unknown said...

Aw, Craig. I love your rosy picture of life in the newsroom. It's more like: "Stories develop and you know someone wants to kick your writerly ass because you wrote about their kid getting arrested for holding a party."

Craig said...

Ok, I don't want to do it anymore. It just seemed fun because everyone was so nice.

jenA said...

good decision.

Anonymous said...

I'm sad I missed you :( I'm there at ungodly hours of the night.