Monday, July 16, 2007


I've spent part of the morning updating and adding some links. Fiddling with those things feels like the episode of Seinfeld , when the girl Jerry was dating used her speed dial as a relationship gauge. I've tried to refrain from this. It should not be deduced that Robert Butler is my 35th favorite friend because he is so far down. On the contrary, if I were given to such junior highish inclinations of rating my friends (I am,) Robert would definitely be in the single digits. It's just that Robert hasn't blogged at that particular address in so long, and I am much to lazy to highlight his information and hit 'delete.'

I've updated some address and added some links. I considered deleting some of you who haven't blogged in this calendar year, but again, I'm too lazy.


Anonymous said...

Maybe you should write something in english under "other things."

Craig said...

Those things are in Thai. I wrote them for you.