Saturday, July 14, 2007

Don't let my crops run dry...

I'm sitting in one of my new favorite restaurants, The World Cup Cafe, listening to one of my new favorite singers, Jason Aldean, belt out his song Amarillo Sky over the intercom. It doesn't get much more urban (in Waco, anyway) than the location of the restaurant, and there are few songs out that are as country as Amarillo Sky. And yet there are about a half dozen voices, all quite diverse, humming it as if they plan on leaving the "hood" in just a few moments to crank up their John Deere and "take the tractor another round and pull the plow across the ground."

On the surface, this may seem odd. But the life of the American Farmer is really not much different than the life of the working poor in the inner city. Both are talked about among intellectuals and social activists, yet are practically invisible during our day to day lives. Both struggle, but laugh a lot. The desperation of both necessitates that they cry out to God to just get them through the day.

Oh, that we would all be as desperate as these...

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