Sunday, September 24, 2006

Funny Story of the Day...

(Some of my more progressive readers will really appreciate this.)

I was called to the front of the store this evening to authorize a return. A gentleman in his early 20's was bringing back a copy of Howard Zinn's "A People's History of the United States." I asked if there was a problem with the book (protocol) and he said no, it's just that he wanted a HISTORY book, not a book that told some liberal guy's opinion of history. I told him ok, we could give him store credit for it (since he didn't have a receipt.) He said that was fine and asked if I had any suggestions for something on U.S. history that was readable and wasn't someone's opinion. (Feeling quite bold) I told him, "Well, every historian writes from the perspective of his/her opinion. You mean you want something that is more aligned with your viewpoints?" Not understanding my sarcasm he said "Yeah."

I was looking at paperwork during this exchange, so I didn't notice much about the kid, until the bookseller at the register, way to young and naive to understand the irony she was about to point out, says "I like your shirt. Who is that?"

"I'm not sure, I just saw it at a thrift store a few weeks ago and decided I'd get it."

I look up from my duties to examine the shirt and can hardly contain my laughter. The picture on his shirt, you ask?

It was a drawing of one Che Guevara.


greenISgood said...

As one of your more progressive readers, honestly I do feel his pain deeply....Che Guevara's - rolling over in his Argentinian grave.

I just saw the Diarios de Motocicletas again recently. The photography is amazing if you recall. You should have recommended that book to your customer. Curious. Was he a UBC'er? ahahahahahahahahhahah! Ehhhemm...excuse me.....

Thanks for brightening my day, C!

Blake Williamson said...

that is awesome. it made me chuckle repeatedly.

Tom said...

wow- that's just too good. unbelievable!

jenA said...

awesome. awesome awesome. makes me want to email some of my friends this story - but they all read your blog.

Singleton said...

hahahahaha. great stuff. you should have slapped the kid across the face with some wikipedia articles and a "George W Bush Is My Homeboy" t-shirt. That would have at least been a better fit.

Michelle said...


myleswerntz said...

ah, the revolutionaries of the world are in good hands.