Tuesday, May 08, 2007


I suppose I'm officially at the age when I begin to think that kids have it easier, and complain much more, than we did when we were children.

Yesterday I went to Jude and Sutton's T-Ball game. Sutton was out in right field chasing a dragonfly. I had to yell for him to put his glove on. After he did, and gave a respectable thirty seconds of attention to the game, he began running from his position, straight across the field where the play was still going on to where I was sitting.

"Sutton! What are you doing?!" I screamed.

Without a second of hesitation he replied to my question, matter-of-factly, "Sweating!"


jenA said...

um, i don't get where you were going with this...

Craig said...

Yeah, I guess my thoughts were incomplete. You were supposed to be able to read my mind. :)

After telling the story, I forgot to write how t-ball kids need to tough it up a little more. I didn't even have t-ball. (Which is probably why I sucked at baseball.)

Anonymous said...

Sutton sounds like my nephew. I was very serious about T-ball, but my twin sister made flower chains in the outfield. I guess some kids are more competitive than others.